Studio Ghibli

Money back guarantee is offered for the buyer’s protection at our store

The staff at our company will ensure to provide the satisfies services to our customers. You can contact our support team if you are not happy with the purchased from our company. You will get notifications about the speculation offers and products if you sign up for the newsletter on our website. The money back guarantee facility is offered for the protection of the buyers. You can know more information about the products and services at our store if you visit our website. The customers can register a complaint if they want to access to delete our personal information. The new owners are very much interested to sell my neighbour Totoro products at our company.Studio Ghibli

Modifying the privacy policy:

If the store is merged or acquired then the information can be transferred to new owners of theĀ My Neighbor Totoro products. The customers should be aware of how to use the information which they have collected on our website. You will receive the notifications if there are any changes in our updated privacy policy. You can have the changes which will take place frequently on our website. The privacy policy can be modified at any time by the company so the customers should review it frequently. The minor dependents are not allowed to use our website without our consent.

A unique token for the customers:

The access of the current visitors can be determined easily when they use the password. It is completely your choice to opt out the cookies or not as there is a list of cookies which are available on our site. A single customer can easily count the number of visits to our store. The unique token will be provided to the customers who want to know the contents of their cart. The number for visits of the customer can be recorded easily by the internal stats tracker. The information about your session can be stored on our website. The industry standards are generally implemented and accepted as per the requirements of the website. The electronic storage is complete with the help of the transmission system.